Monday, March 10, 2008

Housing Resources For Hawthorne Residents

In Minnesota there are several organizations working hard to address the housing crisis. As a disclaimer, the following list does not represent an endorsement from Hawthorne but are provided as a start for people interested in the issues. Here are a few:

The Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN) a national nonprofit working for social justice and stronger communities. The Minnesota chapter is one of the strongest in the nation, and ACORN Housing offers one-on-one mortgage loan counseling and first-time home-buyer classes. Call them at (651) 642-9639.

The Foreclosure Relief Law Project (FRLP) ( is part of the Housing Preservation Project. They work to prevent foreclosures and the negative effects this has on communities and to hold people accountable who are responsible for the crisis.

The Equity Stripping Task Force ( is a group of legal service providers, attorneys and community partners helping victims of predatory lending.

For more resources you can also contact the Hawthorne Housing Development Director, Jeff Skrenes at or (612) 529-6033.

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