Wednesday February 6, 2008 7 – 9 p.m.
Farview Park
Committee Members: Marlys Hubbard; Dan Kelty (secretary); Alissa Pier (excused); Bev Scherrer (chair); Leroy Smithrud, Kathleen Welch, Kevin Kuschel Anderson Mitchel IV.
Others in Attendance: Kevin Gulden, Shalamda Holmes, Mostafa Abdel-Karem, Mahmoud Abdel-Karem, Sue Pilarski, Susan V(???), Jeff Skrenes.
Approval of December ’07 minutes, moved Bev, Kathy/seconded. Carried.
III. EcoVillage updates – Kevin Gulden and Jeff Skrenes
Kevin presented a report on the project (Jeff please attach to board packet.)
Phase I is rolling back with 2008 the time to get everything in place and 2009 time of construction in the new plan.
Phase II. They hope to move forward in gaining more property and developing the project.
Q? The area looks very ugly, what is being done. Being worked on.
Q? What about protection against copper theft. Signs can be put up to warn that there is no copper.
Phase III. Suggestions about what and who to invite to meetings to discuss the block of Lowry and Lyndale. Suggested to get the most amount of people involved. We need to get McKinley community involved as well as the faith communities.
Jeff will work on this phase
A document was presented with an update on the lawsuit and input was sought into how broad the follow up should be in holding people accountable for the foreclosure and boarded building mess.
It could broaden to multi building landlords and possibly even individuals who have boarded properties with no signs of maintaining the nuisance properties.
Jeff wants a dialogue about this matter.
V. Other updates from Housing Director (8:00 – 8:30)
a. December foreclosure conference in Chicago
Good new is that we are not alone with problem
Bad news is that it is spread across the country. Gas bills are in some places being reported to help with credit reports. We need to explore statistics on foreclosures by home owners vs. landlords and by older homes and new infill from last few years.
b. Status of foreclosure prevention counseling services
There is a need to coordinate the counseling services and work with groups on a larger scale to smooth the path to help for neighbors.
c. CPED acquisitions of properties on Lyndale
VI. New/Other Business – HACC participation in Northside Housing Fair on 3/15/08
Jeff questioned priorities of Hawthorne in regards to the fair. He is on the seminar committee and asked for input from the community regarding our continued participation.
We have been active for the full three years and over 1000 people visit the fair. The public relations aspect of the booth and seminars is well worth our participation according to Dan who has been on the committee planning the event.
At least 12 Hawthorne residents have volunteered each year and a booth is an excellent outreach tool.
VII. Short presentation by Mohamoud Abdel Kareem new owner of the store at Lyndale and 24th north. They propose a meat market/deli at the site. They will come to the March meeting with more information for the committee.
VIII. New Member sign-up
IX. Adjourn
Next Meeting
Wednesday, March 5th
Farview Park, 7 – 9 p.m.
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